Blood Glucose Meters
2 in 1 Uric Acid Meters
Hemoglobin Meters
Renal Function Analysis Meter
Blood Lipid Analysis Meters
Dry Biochemical Analysis Meters
Test Strips

Breast Pumps

Hydrocolloid Patch
Medical Bandages
Medical Tapes

Blood Pressure Monitors
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Infrared Thermometers
Finger Pulse Oximeter
Mesh Nubulizers
Compressor Nebulizer

Infrared Thermometers
Forehead & Ear
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Infrared Forehead Thermometers FC-IR200
Baby body infrared thermeters
Infrared Forehead Ear Thermometers FC-IR109
Baby Forehead & Ear Thermometers
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Digital Thermometers

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Renal Function Analysis Meter

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Focus on OEM/ODM Design, Inspection & Solution Manufacturing Since 2019. Company Address: No.528 Shunfeng Road, Wanhua Scientific Park, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China - Tel. +86-571-89106256 Email: Designed by Hangzhou Wecareu Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd Version: V2.3 Copyright © 2024
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